Quick summary
- Both men and women produce testosterone, and an increase in testosterone levels can result in excessive body hair growth.
- Hirsutism, the growth of coarse, dark hair in a traditionally masculine pattern, is a result of high testosterone levels.
- Natural testosterone booster supplements, such as Prime Male, Testogen, and Testofuel, can help increase testosterone levels and potentially lead to increased beard growth.
We normally associate the male hormone testosterone with masculinity, yet women also generate testosterone in small but significant quantities.
Everyone is unique, but you may notice some apparent indicators that your body is creating more testosterone than is normal at some point. Your sexual hormones can have a significant impact on everything, from how you feel to how you appear.
When any individual experiences hormonal changes or variations, some physical indications may appear due to the changes or fluctuation.
This might lead to overexpression of male physical characteristics such as increased facial hair or too bassy voice. Let’s try to figure out if excessive body hair is a sign of high testosterone or not.
More body hair, a sign of high testosterone – Myth/Fact
Increased testosterone levels are frequently responsible for excessive hair growth.
For example, a person’s face, chin, chest, or back may become hairier due to hormonal changes. More frequently than otherwise, the hair will be darker & coarser in addition to being shorter.
Some people, however, may experience baldness as a result of this condition. Ultimately, other elements such as genetics play a role in this decision-making process.
Increased testosterone levels can result in excessive hair in a traditionally masculine pattern, which is referred to as hirsutism.
It develops as the black, coarse hair on the face, chest, chin, abdomen, back, and on the arms and legs.
Women’s genital areas generally have no or little hair, but they are stimulated by increasing levels of androgens in the bloodstream.
Testosterone boosters for hair growth
No problem for men with high testosterone. But what about those who are struggling to get an even beard, or some facial hair atleast?
To get rid of this problem, switch to natural testosterone boosters for guaranteed results.
The best testosterone boosters are:
When it concerns beard growth, it’s frequently claimed that heredity has the final say in the matter. That’s why some guys grow a luscious, thick beard, while others suffer from an uneven beard or nothing at all, depending on their genetics.
The truth is that testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are the hormones responsible for beard development (DHT).
While testosterone is important for the priming of hair follicles, DHT is responsible for the linear increase of facial hair. Testosterone booster supplements work by naturally increasing testosterone levels.
So if you have a high testosterone level in your body, you may have excessive body hair. However, it is better to have a moderate T-level for good health.
However, if your body hair or facial hair story is otherwise, try testosterone boosters to boost the levels if you feel that you are suffering hypogonadism!