The size of the penis has been a controversial topic since the time of ancient literature and the popularity of this dilemma has even been mentioned on several kinds of literature as well.
It has been believed that shorter penis stature is linked to male impotency and lower libido, while the truth is otherwise according to latest studies.
De-bricking the conventional viewpoint was easy, but convincing this fact was a tad bit difficult.
Though penis size has very little to do with your partner’s satisfaction level, it’s a known fact that larger the penis size more will be the pleasure.
Larger the girth and length of the penis1, more erect it could be thereby filling the vaginal volume to stimulate nerves that result in orgasm.
So till the day, the run for penis size is on the go than never before.
This older belief has made a storm in the male enhancement industry which led to an avalanche of penis size enhancers, but only a handful of them actually work.
Majority of the penis size enhancers are pills, while there are mechanical products like extenders2 and pumps 3 as well.
In this article, we will discuss the top three supplement products for 2021 that had been made it our list after a stringent reviewing process.
So without wasting a second let us jump in.
Best penis enlargement and male enhancement pills to increase your penis size
1. Member XXL
Member XXL is a penis enlargement pill that will ensure penis growth by up to 9 cm within a few weeks of usage.
They are made from herbal using herbal recipe thus becoming one of the safest choices for penis increment.
The mechanism of action is a well-studied physiological process which over the years have perfected and now available in capsule form as Member XXL.
There are 7 herbal extracts in this product that are combined after careful analysis and research studies making this product one of the best choices for penis enlargement naturally.
Due to its organic origin, Member XXL is one of the most trusted and popular names in the male enhancement genre.
This herbal supplement delivers the desired result by supplying essential micronutrients to the metabolism and tweaking various bodily functions.
Stringent clinical studies have been performed in order to safeguard it from any adverse effects.
How does it work?
In order for the penis size to increase the penile tissue has to increase in cell mass, for which cells in the penis have to divide.
This requires some kind of stimulus which that is what Member XXL creates with rock hard erection.
L-arginine is a known precursor of nitric oxide (NO) which is a gaseous agent that relaxes the penile tissues to invite good blood flow.
When the penile tissues relax the pressure gradient is dropped on that particular region and more blood would rush into the penis.
Also, the NO widens the blood vessels thereby allowing more blood to flow into the penis granting a rock hard steel erection.
In tandem with this process is the activity of other ingredients that helps in boosting the testosterone production which is necessary for penile health and good libido.
A variety of other nutrients are also added when you take this capsule thus which has testosterone boosting capabilities, aphrodisiac properties, RBC production, etc.
- Member XXL is a popular and effective brand choice for naturally improving penis size.
- Increment up to 9cm is possible with regular use.
- Zero side effect due to the organic nature of the supplement.
- Contains no steroids or harmful chemical stimulants to boost the t-hormone.
- Unsatisfied customers can request for cashback within 90 days of purchase.
- The effects of this pill are not penis enlargement alone, but also helps in boosting libido and toning the muscle.
- Thousands of satisfied customers and hundreds of certified testimonials.
- Need to use for at least 6 months to get the best result.
- Only sold though Member XXL official website.
Discover more: Read full Member XXL review here
2. Xtrasize
Xtrasize is a golden name in the sexual enhancer genre and this herbal supplement is a modern day solution for penis size increment.
Penis size on an average would be around 5.1 inches according to Medical News Today.
While the flaccid length can slightly vary, the erect length would go anywhere from 5 to 7 inches.
Studies have shown that flaccid length cannot conclusively determine the erect length and girth because the blood accommodation volume of penis tissue is different for different individual.
It is this point that is exploited by Xtrasize to tweak the length of small penises, setting everything back to normal.
The manufacturer guarantees 1 to 3 inches of size expansion, while an average male might find anywhere between 1.5 ~2 inches of change.
But if you can use Xtrasize for a long duration, then 3 inches are well within the achievable limit.
The results might look a bit out of reach for an herbal supplement, but the fact is there are thousands of satisfied customers who had already made it.
This peer marketing by satisfied customers is why Xtrasize is one among the popular brand in this segment overshadowing many other supplements and penis size enlargement alternatives.
How does it work?
Like all others in this list, Xtrasize also depends on the nitric oxide activity to erect the penis into a solid structure.
But for your knowledge, each drug has its own strategy to achieve the same principle and the one with fast, and safe action is generally considered to be the best.
That’s is the reason why Xtrasize is there on our list.
Here the presence of L-arginine and Tribulus Terrestris makes Xtrasize a great competitor for others because it can boost nitric oxide activity 2X times than others.
Keeping that aside, Xtrasize is not lesser than others because they contain Stinging Nettle and Sarsaparilla, where both are good sources of vitamins and minerals which will help the user to combat fatigue and endurance problems.
Licorice Root in this product would take care of mental toning of the brain helping the user stay in his prime during intercourse.
Maca Root & Saw Palmetto are the real deal here inducing a strong sexual vigor and improved libido by pumping the testosterone high.
Pros and cons
- All the ingredients in this product come from top farm cultivated specifically for medical grade application.
- The herbal nature of this product makes it 100% safe for consumption.
- Xtrasize is endorsed by the medical community as a herbal supplement for penis size enlargement.
- Has the fastest onset of action in the segment by showing slight penis size increment in 7 – 14 days.
- 90 days return policy to uphold the customer privilege.
- Might not be a great libido enhancer, but works like a charm for penis size enlargement.
Discover more: Read full XtraSize review here
Best male penis enlargement supplements – FAQ
Do these pills really work?
Yes, without a doubt.
All of these penis enlargement pills are derived from aeon old traditional herbal medicine and the recipe still remains the same but the composition and mixing is changed here according to research studies
How fast I will see results?
The average result might take 3 – 6 weeks, but there are certain products like Xtrasize that could do it in 2 weeks.
Not always the results are consistent because of the diverse nature of human physiology which varies across each individual.
Do you have to keep using these supplements to maintain the results?
Not necessary, because the penis size once reached your desired length you may stop using it the pill, but until then continuing the course is important.
Do these supplements have any side effects?
No, side effects are very rare for herbal penis size enlargement pills.
All the ingredients are used in their raw form instead of processing and refining the chemical constituent thus making it less harmful for the body.
Can you buy these pills in stores such as GNC, Walmart, etc.?
Xtrasize and Member XXL can be purchased at Amazon.
It is always recommended to make a purchase from the official website to enjoy great offers and discounts.
- Lever, Janet, David A. Frederick, and Letitia Anne Peplau. “Does size matter? Men’s and women’s views on penis size across the lifespan.” Psychology of Men & Masculinity 7.3 (2006): 129. https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037/1524-9220.7.3.129
- Gontero, Paolo, et al. “A pilot phase‐II prospective study to test the ‘efficacy’and tolerability of a penile‐extender device in the treatment of ‘short penis’.” BJU international 103.6 (2009): 793-797. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2008.08083.x
- Lewis, Ronald W., and R. Witherington. “External vacuum therapy for erectile dysfunction: use and results.” World journal of urology 15.1 (1997): 78-82. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01275162